| Create your own personal blueprint for success in JUST 5 MINUTES! Dear Annmarie Cunniff: Whether you want to be healthier, wealthier, or just simply happier, your success begins with identifying what you want and then planning how to get it. Without a well-defined plan, you may find yourself adrift in a sea of confusion despite having a full complement of intelligence, creativity and talent. Defining a Mission Statement is your first step towards success. A Mission Statement provides the foundation for getting what you want out of life. With careful planning, and by focusing your energy on what's truly important, you vastly improve your odds of success. To make it easy for you to prepare your own, personal Mission Statement, Nightingale-Conant has developed a great interactive tool that you can use free and without obligation. You simply answer a few questions, click on a few buttons, and, in just a few minutes, your personal Mission Statement is created automatically and emailed to you. Just click on Build My Mission Statement right now and begin your own journey toward greater success. The whole process takes just a few minutes, and those few minutes might end up being the most important time that you spend doing anything this year. And please remember your Mission Statement is yours to create and keep absolutely FREE and with no strings attached. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a richer, happier, healthier and more fulfilling life to gain. Please take a moment and click on Build My Mission Statement right now, answer a few simple questions, and your very own personal Mission Statement will be yours by return email. Regards, Vic Conant Chairman of the Board, Nightingale-Conant 
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