Dear Annmarie Cunniff , Once upon a time, you had it. A sense of your own incredible potential. The conviction that you could do anything ... be anything ... have anything you wanted in life. Total, automatic, unquestioning belief in yourself. It's what fed your childhood dreams. Filled your imagination with magnificent possibilities. Made the future something thrilling, something you couldn't wait for and wanted to run toward with arms wide open. Remember? And then slowly, over time, it began to be replaced with a new kind of conviction: That maybe there was only so much you could have, only so far you could go . . . or even wanted to go. That to aim any higher or hope for any more might be too hard, might take too much work, or might require something you just didn't have in you. Have you ever wondered — really wondered — exactly how that change took place, and why? Well, I know why. And you're not going to like it. The fact is, there are forces out there — a large and powerful group of forces — who have worked very hard to convince you that you don't have it in you to create the life you want. This group includes the pharmaceutical companies who want you taking drugs you don't need ... the diet and health clubs who want you to stay trapped in a too-big body ... the credit card companies who want you to spend money you don't have ... ALL the entities who profit from you believing that you don't have what it takes to get what you want on your own. Oh, sure, they portray themselves as your saviors. They claim they're helping you to be happier, healthier, better. But the truth is, they don't want you to improve. They want you to stay right where you are, so you get addicted to their “solutions” and give them your endless time and money, rather than keeping it for yourself. Believe it or not, even some of the people closest to you may be part of the problem: parents, siblings and friends who criticize your dreams and question your decisions in the name of “wanting what's best for you.” They're really just fearful that if you succeed, they'll somehow lose you. But instead of admitting that, they tear you down. And over time, their words sink in. You end up doubting yourself. You start believing others rather than believing in your own powerful potential. And yet ... that burning desire to break out, to grow, to have those things you dream of is still there. Isn't it? Deep down inside, can't you feel it — that excitement about the future? That sense of possibility and potential? I certainly hope so. Because here's the secret about you that no one wants you to know: You REALLY CAN do, be, and have anything you want, no matter where you are today. You can have more money. Better health. You can look better. Have a better job. Better relationships. Anything you want! And you only need ONE THING to get ALL of them. A thing that doesn't come with a membership plan or an interest rate. A thing that's already there inside of you. You see, all you need is self-discipline. “Self-discipline?” That's right, self-discipline. The ability to consistently follow through on the promises you make to yourself. To really do the things you need to do, in order to achieve the things you want to achieve. Now, the fact that you need self-discipline may not surprise you. And it may not excite you ... yet. But here's something that almost definitely WILL: Becoming self-disciplined is NOT hard. It's NOT painful. It's NOT about living a rigid, restricted life filled with denial and deprivation. Nope. That's just another part of the big lie we've all been fed. The TRUTH is, it's incredibly, amazingly EASY — Once you KNOW ... Self-discipline is a simple, learnable skill. And just like any other skill — riding a bike or hitting a baseball — it all comes down to mastering a few simple, fundamental techniques. Once you install the techniques in your mind, self-discipline becomes easy. You will know exactly where you're going. Each and every step in between will be clearly defined and easily achievable. With each step you take, you will see exactly how much progress you've made. And the best part is, it will all happen automatically. It won't be hard. It won't feel like a struggle. Naturally, effortlessly, almost without even trying, you will get what you want — whatever you want. Stop and think for a second about how different things would be if you had the power of self-discipline: Imagine the effect on the credit card companies, who count on you not to control your spending so that they can rake in the interest. On the diet and health clubs, who count on you not to achieve or maintain your ideal body so that they can make a mint off membership renewals. On everyone and everything that profits when you fall short of your goals. Imagine the effect on your own life. The freedom and exhilaration you would feel, knowing that to reach a goal, all you had to do was simply set it. That your mind was set up to automatically direct all of your thoughts and actions toward making your dreams reality — without any so-called “help” from anyone else. I'm here to tell you that you DO have that power It's inside of you right now. All you need to do is learn how to activate it. I'd like to help you do that, by sending you a special offer for an audio program called The Science of Self-Discipline. This is the one proven program that will help you start developing this life-changing skill RIGHT NOW. I know you might be skeptical, and that's ok. After all, you've spent a lifetime being convinced by powerful forces that self-discipline is boring, hard, painful, even flat-out impossible. But I'm here to tell you that they're WRONG. They've sold you a lie. I want you to have the truth. So please, click on the link below right now and experience the audio program that really will change your life forever. Just as it has done for countless others. Sincerely, P.S. Self-discipline is not difficult. That's a LIE, one you're being fed all the time by forces that stand to benefit from your believing it. The truth is, self-discipline is incredibly easy to achieve. And the sense of freedom empowerment you'll experience once you have it will AMAZE you. I hope you'll allow me to send you a special, reduced-price offer of the audio program that will open your eyes to just how truly simple becoming self-disciplined is, and just how dramatically your life will change once you've mastered it.  | YES! I want to activate the inner power that will help me to easily get what I want — I'll discover new opportunities at work; a newer, healthier body; newfound wealth; and a new lease on life! Please send me Kerry Johnson's 6-CD audio program The Science of Self-Discipline PLUS CD Workbook and Bio-Dots, today, for 30 days - FOR JUST $1.00! |  | If I don't find this program to be life changing, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed ever. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $39.95, which is $40 off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |  | | | |
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