“I should have figured it out, because …
...day in and day out I was logging more hours on the phone and miles on the road than the big guns in my company. But I just wasn’t putting up the same kind of numbers. While they were cashing fat commission checks, racking up incentives, and living the good life, I was busting my behind just to make ends meet. I got into sales to make money — a LOT of it. I thought solid sales fundamentals and good old-fashioned hard work were supposed to get me there. Instead they were getting me ‘no’ after ‘no’ after ‘no.’
Then finally one day, when our quarterly ‘top producers’ list came out and the same old names showed up on it again, I reached my breaking point: ‘What the *&%# do THEY know about selling that I DON’T?!’I shouted in the mirror. ‘Do they have some kind of secret system for achieving their massive sales success?’ I didn’t know, but I swore I’d find out. Then I did, and within one year of applying that system, I had tripled my income and totally transformed my sales career.
“Thanks, Vic, for sending me the email that changed my
life …”
I love stories like this, and I hear them all the time. Stories of frustrated sales pros who slog through year after disappointing year of mediocre numbers — only to one day magically break into the rarified air of the top closers, where they’re finally pulling down the huge money they dreamed of when they first got started.
But I have to tell you: we have not seen results
like these in years. That is, the results we see from
this system: Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters
How do the users of this sales system do it? Easy! It’s simply a matter of applying a unique system of precise, proven techniques to the things you’re already doing in your ordinary, everyday life as a sales professional. Yes, it uses best-practices, consultative selling — being a valued consultant to your client. But it moves beyond that to actually clenching the mega-bucks that lie just beyond the polish and smiles.
Because the system is composed of the jealously guarded secrets of the most successful sales pros of all time — an elite group of $250,000-plus-a-year earners — the impact it will have on your bottom line is immediate and virtually inevitable. You WILL get more leads. You WILL close more sales. And you WILL make more money. It’s simple cause and effect — and it’s been proven over and over and over again by pros just like you. See, in order to contribute to our system, each author had to have made a minimum of $250,000 a year in sales earnings to even be included as a master seller and share his or her secrets!
A System Designed for both the
Business-to-Business and the Consumer Sell
Look at what just a few of our customers who have benefited from the information in our Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters had to say …
TESTIMONIALS An insurance salesperson used these techniques with a hard-to-sell client and was astounded by the outcome: “I couldn’t believe what happened. All I know is that I closed the deal. The man wrote me a check for $25,000 — $12,000 of which was my commission for the day. I wish I’d used these techniques earlier. I could have made 10 times the money I’ve made up to now!" B-to-B service industry sales rep Chuck Black marvels, “In the first year … I reduced my working hours by 25%, and increased my income by more than 100%!" Vinnie Testa raves, “I decided to try the stuff out, and it worked … my sales were going up, up, up. Up over $200,000 this year and that was just through September!” And manager Alan Thompson goes so far as to say, “Any salesperson who does not immediately benefit from only one listening should not be in sales.” |
Not every sales pro uses the secrets of this system.
Only the RICHEST ones do. Here’s YOUR chance to join them
The bottom line is you got into sales because you knew that no other field offered so much potential for wealth.
You were right. Professional salespeople are some of the highest paid in the world. And this system is going to make you one of them — guaranteed.
But because I know that at your level and with your experience, you’ve already heard plenty of too-good-to-be-true promises that turned out to be just that, I’m asking you NOT to take my word for it. You do not have to buy Million Dollar Sales Secrets from the Masters today.
Instead, call now for a FREE CD, “Rich Salespeople Leave Clues,” that will PROVE how this amazing system will triple your sales income within 12 months, and quickly send you into the top 5% of all sales people. Call now toll-free! 1-800-314-0661.

FREE Offer…
Request Your FREE CD
'Rich Sales People Leave Clues'
Let the Proof Be on Our Shoulders
P.S. Don’t research one more need of a potential client until you’ve heard the jealously guarded strategies and prized secrets of the richest sales masters of all time. One of these secrets alone is going to triple your income within 12 months — and there are hundreds more. If you’re serious about selling and getting RICH doing it, you must get this system. Follow it, and you literally cannot fail to break into the golden top 5% of salespeople, where you’ll never have to worry about money again.
Call toll-free anytime 1-800-314-0661
FREE OFFER: Do the richest, most successful sales pros know something you don't? YES but not for long, if you act today! Hi, I'm Vic Conant. As chairman of Nightingale-Conant, the world leader in self-development audio programs for almost 50 years, I'd like to send you a FREE CD, "Rich Salespeople Leave Clues," on which you'll discover the lead-generating, close-skyrocketing, income-exploding secrets of a group of elite $250K-a-year sales geniuses. What they've done, you can do too! But hurry. Quantities are limited.
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