Dear Annmarie Cunniff , What do you want? Right now. Today. In your financial life ... your career ... your relationships ... your health ... your looks. What do you want? Before you spend too much time thinking about that question, I have a confession to make: I already know the answer. And it isn't what you think. I'll explain that bold statement in just a minute. But first I want to share a quick story about a woman who wanted something BIG - and got it FAST - by using the Law of Attraction PLUS a simple yet critical "missing piece" that made all the difference in her ability to create the life of her dreams (and will do the same for you): Anita Law was a divorced mom who was struggling to make ends meet. Bills were piling up, creditors were calling, and what she needed right then and there to make it all better was something that seemed all but impossible: She needed $50,000 in cash. A few months earlier, she would have believed getting that kind of money was totally impossible. But she'd recently discovered a unique attraction process that had already brought some good things into her life. Could it bring her this? She figured it was worth a try, so she went through the simple steps of the process, focusing on her intention to attract $50,000 into her life as soon as possible. And the very next day ... well, here's what she sat down and wrote to me: "... I got a call from Child Support. I figured it was to ask the usual question: 'Have you heard from your ex-husband?' "When she asked to get my current husband and sit down - I started shaking, unaware of what was happening. After all, she had been trying to call me for two weeks and I had not returned the calls (why bother?). "She said my ex had been in contact with her and wanted to get his life back together. They had negotiated an initial payment. (I'm thinking maybe a thousand dollars). " 'Are you sure you are sitting? Is your husband with you?' " 'Oh God, what's happened?' I thought, my hands shaking... " 'Mrs. Law, we have a check in the amount of $50,000, about half what is owed, but I need your marriage license so we can issue it to you in your proper name.'" "Enough said - the steps work. One hour ago, the world changed." A true story? Absolutely. I saw the check myself. I even put a picture of it on my website, just to calm the naysayers. And while Anita's story is undeniably incredible - a miracle, in fact - I have to tell you, it doesn't surprise me a bit. I hear stories just like this every single day. They come to me in email, over the fax, through letters, on the phone ... even from strangers who walk up to me on the street. Stories of people who have attracted things like: - Cash to finance cross-country moves, new business ventures, cars, homes, and dream travel adventures
- New job opportunities, promotions, and total career changes
- Freedom from 10 years of depression
- An end to negative thoughts and to feeling overwhelmed
- A newfound sense of self-worth
- The healing of past relationships
- Better health without medication
- A specific life's purpose
- Huge weight loss
One person I know used this process to stop a plane on a runway. Another person attracted $42,000 in 30 days to pay cash for a building. The stories go on and on, and they're all true. Right about now you may be wondering why these folks are telling their stories to ME. I'll get to that in a second. Even more importantly, you probably want to know why I'm talking to YOU. Let me explain. My name is Dr. Joe Vitale. I'm a bestselling author, a world-renowned speaker and consultant, and one of the blessed and honored stars of the movie phenomenon, The Secret. And I'm writing to you today with a proposition: You can get MORE out of life. As a matter of fact, you can attract EVERYTHING YOU REALLY WANT into your life. And you can attract it not just some of the time, but ALL THE TIME, whether you want to: - Have more money so that you can be relaxed and free and never have to worry about finances again
- Uncover your true purpose so that "work" becomes play - something you love to do and that fulfills you on the deepest possible level
- Meet someone you can share your life and love with ... or reignite the flames of a relationship that has become neglected
- Look and feel better - lose weight and improve or even heal health challenges that may have troubled you for years
How do I know? Because I haven't just heard stories of people who have attracted miracles and magic into their lives. I've done it myself. I haven't just learned The Secret. I've gone beyond it. And through this letter, I want to take YOU there too From homeless nobody to world-famous multimillionaire success magnet: How the 'Missing Secret' changed my life
(and why YOU should care!) Homeless? That's right. Today I'm flying high. But 30 years ago I was about as low as you could go. Impoverished. Jobless. Living on the streets, without a car, without a prospect in sight. It was a bad time. And I knew I had to make a change. I decided to educate myself on how to create a better life. I figured there had to be books or programs out there that would help me - experts on success just as there are on any other subject. With no money to spend on my efforts in those early days, the public library became my "classroom" of choice. And on one of those visits, I discovered an unassuming little book by a man named William Walker Atkinson. Written in 1906, it was all about something I'd never heard of up until then, called the Law of Attraction. The notion that my thoughts and feelings were a magnetic force drawing experiences into my life was, to me, at that time, a radical one. Once I absorbed it, my life spun on a dime and started moving a whole different direction. I started getting jobs. Money. Opportunities. I published my first book. I began to develop a solid professional reputation and a huge network of colleagues and contacts. Life was good and getting better ... most of the time. You see, I was getting a lot of my intentions. But I wasn't getting them all. I had a lot more control than I used to over the things that happened in my life. But I didn't have complete control. Sound familiar? At first I thought it was a flaw in the system - an imperfection I'd just have to live with. But everything changed when I finally discovered ... The TRUTH about the Law of Attraction
that will set you FREE Have you ever had one of those days where gravity just isn't working for you - where you can't seem to keep your feet planted on the ground and you wind up sort of floating around in the atmosphere? OF COURSE NOT! Why not? Because gravity is a LAW. It doesn't work some days and not work other days. It's always working, and you are experiencing the effects of it all the time, at every moment. My friend, the Law of Attraction is exactly the same. It's a LAW - not a feel-good principle or some kind of new-age voodoo flake-out. You can't "do" the Law of Attraction wrong. It doesn't turn off and on, like a light switch. It's not subject to fate or fancy. It is a powerful but neutral force that is constantly operational. And that means something extremely important. It means that what you have right now (or don't have right now) IS - on some level - what you want. The good stuff AND the bad stuff. The abundance AND the lack. You've attracted ALL of it. Why? Because your conscious thoughts aren't all there is. Below the surface, a complex and deep-seated collection of beliefs is exerting an extremely powerful magnetic force in your life. When these subconscious thoughts are in harmony with what you consciously intend, you attract it. But if there are counter-intentions present within you - that is, thoughts and beliefs that run contrary to your conscious wishes - you will not achieve the results you want, no matter how much you want them on the surface. Even if you do achieve them temporarily, you will ultimately lose them. The strength of your counter-intentions will ultimately win out. So how do you get "clear"? How do you get rid of the roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you're trying to achieve? It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question. But once I did, it was as if all the limits on me shattered. I thought life was good before - but I had no idea it could be this good. I thought I'd achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success - but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away. I had finally discovered ... The MISSING PIECE that makes the Law of Attraction
work the way YOU want it to - 100% of the time! YES, I want to activate the full power of the Law of Attraction to work for me 100% of the time - And I can experience this power for LESS THAN 10 DOLLARS! I realize this exclusive, limited-time offer marks the perfect opportunity to change my life. As I mentioned before, I was fortunate enough to have been a part of The Secret - the fantastic movie that is awakening the world to the power of the Law of Attraction. From Oprah to Larry King Live and on virtually every PC and DVD player in the country, this little movie seems to be everywhere. And as you can imagine, being in it has brought me a level of visibility I had never imagined and has invited literally thousands of conversations with people about what the Law of Attraction is, how it works, and what it can do. For every person who has told me how much the Law of Attraction has positively transformed his or her life, there have been three who have related a different experience. Confusion. Inconsistencies. Frustration. They were inspired by the idea of the Law of Attraction but felt that it was failing them on a day-to-day and moment-to-moment level. What about YOU? - Are YOU getting some of what you want, but not all of it?
- Do YOU feel that the Law of Attraction "works" for you
sometimes, but not all the time?
- Are there things in YOUR LIFE that seem to run counter to your conscious intentions?
- Have YOU already experienced the incredible power of the Law of Attraction, and are you ready to take it to a whole new level?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then I'd like to send you my NEW 2-CD Fast-Track program The Missing Secret: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract What You Want ... Every Time, for JUST $9.95! In it, I'll tell you everything I've learned, done, proven, and taught others about how to correctly use the Law of Attraction to consistently get the results you're looking for, including: - The 5-step "Attractor Factor" Process, 5 easy, straightforward steps - including the critical MISSING SECRET for fully harmonizing with the Law of Attraction - that will empower you to create and attract ANYTHING you want in life, from wealth to health to love to balance and more. Use it every time you consciously form an intention. The results will astonish you.
- 7 Cleaning and Clearing Methods that will help you identify, isolate, and ELIMINATE all of the counter-intentions that are currently attracting undesired results into your life - so you can harmonize your true intentions with the Law of Attraction and start receiving everything you want, all the time, without interruption.
And that's not all! You'll ALSO discover ... - How to automatically remove all your limitations. Instantly release anything that's in the way of what you want to be, do, or have. This potent technique does the trick in a heartbeat.
- If your intention really is the best thing for you. There's a simple, foolproof way to find out. It only takes a second, and it can save you immeasurable challenges down the road.
- How to begin to instantaneously heal injury, illness, and disconnects with just 4 simple phrases. It works!
- The secret to attract positive outcomes into the lives of others - no matter how far away they are or how difficult their changes may be
- How to eradicate the "virus of the mind." Got negativity? The negative images that bombard you each day from all sides bear a lot of the blame. I'll tell you how to protect yourself from these misery-magnets. Do these few things and you'll notice an immediate change in what's showing up in your life!
- The top 10 limiting beliefs. A great starting point for shaking up your awareness and uncovering what may be holding you back at the subconscious level
- How to erase ALL your fears forever. Even of disaster? Disease? Terrorists? YES! And much more easily than you can imagine. They all come down to ONE surprising thing. Get rid of that, and your fears are gone too. Just imagine how free you'll feel.
- The ultimate shortcut to attracting whatever you want. Truth be told, this one secret alone will negate the need for all the rest of the information in the program - IF you can fully understand and utilize it. But just learning about it will increase your attraction power tenfold.
- And so much more!
The Missing Secret delivered $50,000 to
Anita Law overnight. What will it attract into
YOUR life in one whole year? I'd love for you to find out - and for YOUR story to be the next one I pass along. So please, allow me to send to you - RISK-FREE - our NEW 2-CD Fast-Track audio program The Missing Secret: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Easily Attract What You Want ... Every Time for JUST $9.95! You see, over the past year, The Missing Secret has outsold all other programs at Nightingale-Conant. The reason for its success? It simply works - and people tell their family and friends about what they attracted. Today, as a show of our appreciation, and to give EVERYONE the opportunity to attract his or her best life, we're practically giving away the first two - and most important two - CDs of this top-selling program. This 2-CD set of The Missing Secret marks the fastest possible path to increase your attracting power tenfold! If for any reason you don't find The Missing Secret to be one of the most important, practical, and transformational programs of its kind, then simply return it any time within 12 months for a refund or even exchange. I look forward to hearing from you ... and to letting YOU in on The Missing Secret! Sincerely, Dr. Joe Vitale
Author, The Missing Secret P.S. Ever since The Secret movie hit cyberspace, people all over the world have been looking for a way to make the amazing Law of Attraction work for them in a consistently positive way. If you're one of them - or if you're simply interested in discovering an easy way to step into harmony with the universe so you can start getting the things you really want all the time, without struggle - then order The Missing Secret now. I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE that within 30 days of using these techniques, you WILL attract a DEFINITE, SPECIFIC result that has previously eluded you. Act now! 
 | YES! I want to activate the full power of the Law of Attraction to work for me 100% of the time. Please send me the NEW 2-CD Fast-Track audio program The Missing Secret: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Easily Attract What You Want ... Every Time, TODAY, for 30 days - FOR JUST $1.00! If I don't find this program to be life-changing, I may simply send it back and no questions asked. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $9.95, which is 50% off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |
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People across the country and around the world
are attracting miracles and magic, thanks to Joe Vitale and the techniques you'll discover in The Missing Secret! "Dr. Joe Vitale's The Missing Secret allows me to finally fit life's puzzle pieces together. The Law of Attraction always made sense to me, yet there was a link missing that, I think, many other people also felt. Joe has plainly explained the techniques to clear one's self to allow your unconscious mind to converse with your consciousness. Truly extraordinary." Victoria Schaefer
Publisher, Pedal Ranch Publications "Whether he's speaking to an intimate group or a crowd of thousands, he connects with people at the deepest level, emotionally and intellectually. I've seen this connection literally change lives, including mine." Pat O'Bryan
Your Portable Empire University "The movie The Secret gave me a great overview of how to transform my life by changing my thoughts and beliefs. What Joe provides ... is even more powerful. I have new tools to go to the next level. Joe, you really have discovered The Missing Secret to creating the life of my dreams. Thank you!" Kathy Zant "Truly the Missing Link in implementing The Secret. We may know what we want consciously, but what about unconsciously? Until we can create congruency between our conscious thoughts and our unconscious thoughts, our results will be hindered. [The Missing Secret] is the ticket to creating congruency!" Dean Gifford
Flip the Switch "I have found [the business] I've been looking for my whole life ... my life's purpose ... to become a certified life coach." "I have felt an incredible washing away of the past ... a clean slate ... a chance for harmony and peace and forgiveness. I wake up every day with a sense of extreme pleasure and gratitude and anticipation of the miracles waiting to unfold." M.W. & D.P. "This is fun ... this is part of the dream ...Yeah ... it's happening! I am officially an equity owner of the company with the exact percentage of ownership I wanted." Tony "Hi Joe,
"I just wanted to share a few miracles happening in my life .... 1. Able to make a huge shift and heal the relationship between my mother and myself! We had been struggling for the PAST EIGHT YEARS, and our relationship had been very rocky.
2. Intended $1,500.00 unexpected income in next 3 months. (It came in less than 3 days of making the statement to my coach - she is unaware as of now)
3. Intended the perfect job, with the perfect pay. (Last night I was offered a job to DOUBLE my income!) "Thanks for the great insights and program to be able to move forward and to live in bliss!" Amber Swalberg "I've attracted nearly $15,000 in new income. And while that is AWESOME, it's not the best part. "I have started to notice a greater sense of peace. Something unexpected happens, I'm like 'OK,' no drama. When we got $33,000 in new business, we were like 'wow, that's really cool,' but no butterflies, anxiety - just a calm, cool feeling. I have a lot less tension. What's missing is the drama. It's such a great space to be in. I feel so much more grounded in my body and in my spirit. Thank you - you are my angel!" Amy S. Grant "[The Missing Secret] has the potential to change humanity." Dr. Rick Barrett
Author, Healed by Morning "I was $49,651.24 in debt and had lost my job and my car. Within 48 hours of discovering Joe's 5 steps, I got another car, which cost me nothing, and a better-paying job. Within 2 months, I received my first freelance writing project. In less than 5 months, the debt was gone, I paid cash for a brand-new SUV, started my own successful online business, met my future wife, and moved to a dream setting in the Texas hill country. This book will help you attract whatever you wish to bring into your life - fast!" Bill Hibbler
Owner of "To manifest success in any endeavor, there is always a spiritual component - a part of our success that isn't always obvious to the casual observer. Joe Vitale clearly demonstrates how he has effectively recognized and used this spiritual component with amazing success and how you can easily adapt it to fit your life as well - all in 5 easy steps. I can personally attest to this process and its effectiveness." Joe Sugarman
Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation "Why do some people have all the luck and get everything they want, while others struggle? Is there a 'secret' that if you only knew it, could change everything? Yes, definitely - and Joe Vitale knows what it is. I highly recommend [The Missing Secret] to anyone who wants to change their relationship to money and prosperity." Bill Harris
President, "A couple of months ago, I wanted a several-thousand-dollar bump in income. Four days later, on a seemingly unrelated phone call, I was offered a deal that brought me the exact amount I'd requested. These things happen all the time now, thanks to [The Missing Secret]." Charles Burke, Japan
Author, How to Prime Your Cosmic Cash Pump, "So what is the secret of health, wealth, and enduring happiness? Joe Vitale has it; I've tried it; we've both made it work (as have a select group of others), and now, you can, too!" David Garfinkel
Author, Copywriting Templates "[The Missing Secret] should be required ... for every human being on the planet, as there is no greater lesson we can learn than that of our infinite ability to attract abundance through living our purpose and passions. Outstanding!" Bob Doyle
Creator of the program |

 | YES! I want to activate the full power of the Law of Attraction to work for me 100% of the time. Please send me the NEW 2-CD Fast-Track audio program The Missing Secret: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Easily Attract What You Want ... Every Time, TODAY, for 30 days - FOR JUST $1.00! If I don't find this program to be life-changing, I may simply send it back and no questions asked. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $9.95, which is 50% off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |
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