In this letter, you'll learn about Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and his simple 20-minute meditation technique that lets you awaken this power. Every once in a while something unexplainable happens that forces you to stop and ask, 'Is this a sign from a higher power?' "If you overlook it, you will miss a great opportunity to unravel one of the mysteries of life and open a door to an amazing power.
"The following story is such an incident."
I’d like to share a personal story with you — one that opened my eyes to a power that’s beyond anything you can see or touch. But before I tell you about it, I think this short account from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s program will interest you: "One evening, my wife and I were having dinner in a restaurant with our friends, Bonnie and Jeff. I was telling them about an invisible power that can manifest and attract anything you want. "But then, as soon as I mentioned that anyone can activate this power with a simple 20-minute meditation technique, Bonnie, who was leaving the next day with Jeff for a slot-machine tournament in Las Vegas, suddenly shouted, 'You've got to show us ... you've got to teach us how to do that.' "She meant right then and there in the restaurant. "So I did. I explained the whole meditation technique, exactly as it had been taught to me by Guruji.* * You'll find a complete explanation of how Wayne Dyer learned this meditation technique (in the ancient Tamil Siddha tradition of southern India) from Shri Guruji on Session 2 of Dr. Dyer's program. "At the tournament in Las Vegas, Bonnie and Jeff, and the other 700 participants, were each assigned to a slot machine. For the next three days Bonnie and Jeff played their machines, meditating all the while. They had never won anything before in their lives. But this time they won $27,000." As Dr. Dyer continues, the story gets even better: "On their return, Jeff, who's a builder in south Florida and who had been going through some tough times lately, continued the meditation practice. "His luck soon improved. He won a bid to build 200 homes — the largest project he had ever received. His income has quadrupled. His number of employees tripled." Dr. Dyer then relates several other odd incidents: "A couple of days ago, when I was speaking in Lilly Dale, New York, where I taught this very same manifesting technique a year ago, five or six people came up on the stage and talked about what they had done since hearing my previous speech. "One woman had manifested herself a bookstore that she had always wanted to own. Without any money, and no down payment, she was now running a profitable business. "Another woman talked about how her cancer had gone into remission. "Then, another woman came up and told us she had lost 65 pounds in one year. Before she learned the meditation technique, she had never been able to keep her weight down for any length of time. This time, it had remained low for the entire year."  | YES! I'm ready to manifest anything that I desire — MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH, A BETTER JOB, MY BEST LIFE by discovering my inner power. Please send me Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny today along with my FREE Bonus CD! Then, I'll have the ability to control my own destiny most every single day! I will SAVE $40 OFF the regular price of $79.95. |  | If I don’t find this program to be life-changing, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. |  | | | Everyday miracles Each week, Dr. Dyer hears from many others to whom he's taught the technique; their stories are equally remarkable. For instance, there's Denise — a young woman who couldn't have children. "She and her husband tried for years. Denise was told she'd never have kids because she had premature ovarian failure and her uterus could not support a child. "So she and her husband began to practice my meditation technique ... and you can guess what happened. They recently sent me a picture of their three-month-old child. "Another woman told me that she had been trying to sell her house in Colorado for two years. "When she started doing the meditation, within one week she had four people look at it, received an offer, and sold it." An invisible power that gives you whatever you ask for Don't take offense, but I've got to ask you this question: Are you satisfied with your life? Is it exactly as you wish it were? If you knew that the next 10 years would be more of the same, would you look forward to them with enthusiasm? Or do you have something else in mind? Possibly, you have a dream that calls you. Maybe, as in my case, you have unanswered, nagging questions about the meaning of life. Or, perhaps you desire something new and different for yourself — but you can't quite put your finger on where to start or what it should be. If there's something missing in your life ... or if what you really want remains out of reach ... the information I am about to share with you in this email will enable you to break free from your current limitations and show you how to get anything you want. I will explain exactly how miracles are manifested. I'll also tell you about a simple method that allows you to tap into this divine power so that you can create miracles in your own life. All I ask is that for the next few minutes you set aside your skepticism and hear what I have to say. I promise that it will open your eyes to the ... Limitless possibilities and abundance that now await you For thousands of years people have been asking, "Are miracles for real ... or are they just fairy tales, exaggerations, and clever tricks performed by master magicians?" I didn't know the answer. Part of me accepted them on faith. But the logical side of my brain rejected them as physically impossible. But, then I experienced a strange incident that opened my eyes. Since that incident, I've not only come to believe that such a divine power exists, I've also learned how to activate it and use it to my advantage. The interesting thing is that ... Anyone can learn to do it The man who finally unraveled this ancient mystery is Dr. Wayne Dyer — a very remarkable human being. I'll tell you more about him in a moment. But first, I want to ask you this: Imagine that you possessed a power that could release you from your existing destiny — setting you free to manifest a new destiny of your choice — no longer restricted by circumstance, past choices, your background, or any financial limitations. And that, with this power you could change anything about your life, change anything about yourself, and attract whatever good fortune you desire. Now, the question that I want you to consider is ... What would you do with this power? Where would you start first? With your body, perhaps ... .... by giving yourself perfect health, making it free from disease, having more energy, and programming it to live longer? Then, what would you do next? Maybe reinvent yourself? ... use the power to attract a better job, create your own business, or break the mold and start a new career — one you've always dreamed of. And what about the physical aspect of your life. Would you use it to attract ... ... financial independence, a gorgeous house with a view of the ocean or mountains, with rooms full of beautiful furniture and works of art. Or, would you move to the place of your dreams and live the life you've always longed for? You can, if you want. But right now, if I had to guess what you're thinking, I'd guess that you think this sounds like a lot of wishful thinking — too good to be true. Of course it does ... But only because you do not yet possess this power! Let me help you with that. I'm going to prove to you that this power is real — and that you can make everything that I just mentioned come true. I'll start by telling you a little about myself. I was raised, and have lived most of my life here in the Chicago area. When I was 39 years old, my life suddenly turned upside down. That was when my dad, Lloyd Conant, passed away after a long battle with cancer. Losing him changed me. If you've ever stood by and felt helpless while a loved one is ill, you'll know what I'm talking about. My priorities changed. My relationships — especially with my family — became more important. I saw less value in material things. And there was the pain. What are you supposed to do with it? I did what men have been conditioned to do — act tough, get on with our lives, and, whatever we do, don't show our emotions. So how do we deal with these emotions? We bury them deep inside where no one can see and throw ourselves into our jobs so as to forget. Moments of loss and sadness reveal how disadvantaged men really are. Women have an easier time talking about their emotions — even of admitting inadequacy. So there I was, at the age of 39, suddenly behind the wheel of the company that my dad, along with his friend Earl Nightingale, built from scratch in 1956. 'When it rains, it pours' During the late '80s, while I was trying to get over the loss of my father and learning how to properly run this business, I was suddenly hit with a body blow when Earl Nightingale passed away. Those years were the toughest time of my life. Everything that gave my life that rock-solid feel suddenly disappeared. Don't get me wrong. I didn't grow up sheltered from life. Far from it. I've seen plenty of the darker side of life — especially as a young man who was forced to play the role of soldier in Vietnam. That was when I first started asking serious questions about the existence of God. Twenty years later, I was facing those same questions again: What is life all about ... if there really is a higher power, why is there so much suffering ... and why do some of us get more than our share of it? But I wasn't getting answers. I wasn't sure what to do with my life. Today, I can admit that I was confused. But I couldn't then. In private, I read a lot of books, searching for answers. I found some, but not enough. Until that point in the company's history, Nightingale-Conant produced audio programs that dealt with self-motivation and personal success — including business success, financial success, and personal achievement. But there was nothing that dealt with anything spiritual. And neither did we produce any programs that offered guidance and direction on emotions, relationships, health, or inner peace. Then something positive happened It dawned on me that I was luckier than most people. Without realizing what they had done, Lloyd and Earl had left me with something of great value. As Chairman of Nightingale-Conant, I was in a fortunate position. I could pick up the phone and call some of the most respected authorities in America; I wouldn't have any difficulty reaching them. It took guts to admit ignorance, but I had questions that I wanted answered. When the student is ready, the teacher appears And believe me, I was ready. I found the teachers. I asked them my questions and they gladly shared what they knew with me. I was learning a lot. But, because of my good fortune, I also felt an obligation to give something back — to make the answers that I learned available to others. I invited these authorities to come to Chicago and record their information. One of these remarkable people was Dr. Wayne Dyer. Wayne lives in Florida, where he spends his time studying and learning — and then sharing his discoveries with others on audio programs, in books, and through live seminars. Wayne is remarkable. He's had an uphill battle from day one. After starting life as an orphan, being bounced from one foster home to another, he has become a successful psychotherapist and world-renowned leader in the field of self-development. He is the author of the bestsellers Your Erroneous Zones, Pulling Your Own Strings, and You'll See It When You Believe It. Wayne has also appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, and The Tonight Show. Here at Nightingale-Conant, Wayne's audio programs — Freedom Through Higher Awareness, How to Be a No-Limit Person, The Awakened Life, and Real Magic — have been some of our most popular programs. Each new program of his opens a new door to a higher wisdom — unlocking mysteries that man has puzzled over since the beginning of time. And that brings me to the reason why I'm writing to you. I believe that you can benefit from some of our audio programs — especially the one from Wayne Dyer that's featured in this letter. Let me tell you about this exciting program. It really is one of my all-time favorites.  | YES! I'm ready to manifest anything that I desire — MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH, A BETTER JOB, MY BEST LIFE by discovering my inner power. Please send me Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny today along with my FREE Bonus CD! Then, I'll have the ability to control my own destiny most every single day! I will SAVE $40 OFF the regular price of $79.95. |  | If I don’t find this program to be life-changing, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. |  | | | 2,000-year-old mystery solved As chairman of Nightingale-Conant, one of my functions is to review all proposed manuscripts for new programs. One evening, about 18 months ago, I arrived home from work with a briefcase full of paperwork and reading material. At 9 o'clock I dragged myself into my small study, looked at my briefcase, and groaned. I wasn't in the mood to work. So, instead of diving into it right away, I decided to meditate. I turned the lights low, pulled out my small meditation cushion, sat on the floor, closed my eyes, and proceeded to observe my breathing. About 15 minutes into my meditation, something odd happened. I found myself back in time —to when I was eight or nine — sitting in my Sunday school class. Suddenly I heard my Sunday school teacher, Mrs. McKenzie, say, "Victor. Stand up and read aloud in the New Testament, starting at John, chapter 2, verse 1." It was as if I was really living that moment over again. I found the page, stood up, and read slowly. But I was more concerned about my nervousness than with what I was reading. But then, when I got to verse 12, something caught my interest: Jesus sayeth unto them, "Fill the water pots with water." And they filled them up to the brim. And he sayeth unto them, "Draw out now, and bear unto the governors of the feast." And they bore. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made into wine, he knew not from where it came, but the servants which drew the water knew. The governor of the feast called the bridegroom and sayeth unto him, "Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine. And when men have well drunk, then bring forth wine which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now." This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee manifest forth, his glory ... Then I heard, "Thank you Victor, you may sit down." "Mrs. McKenzie?" "Yes, Victor?"
"What does manifest mean?"
"Manifest? It means to create ... to make something that wasn't there before ... even out of nothing."
"Did Jesus really manifest wine out of water?"
"Yes, he did."
"How did he do it?"
"Why ... ah ... it was the power of God that did it ... a divine power within Jesus ... the same power that resides within all of us."
"Does that mean I can manifest wine out of water?"
"Well ... ah ..." Mrs. McKenzie fumbled with an answer but ... I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't know At that moment in my meditation I suddenly opened my eyes. Strange, I thought. What an odd experience. But it gets even stranger. I remembered what I did when I got home from Sunday school. I borrowed a canning jar from my mother, filled it with water, and tried every prayer I knew and every magic saying I could think of — saying "Abracadabra" until I was blue in the face — trying to turn the water into wine. But nothing happened. As I looked at the jar of water, I felt disappointed and betrayed. For more than 40 years, until that moment, I had completely forgotten about that incident. Now, feeling relaxed, I stood up, went to my desk, and put my briefcase on the floor to my right. I opened it, grabbed the handful of papers, and plopped the pile in front of me. The first item was an estimate for new editing equipment. A quick glance told me that the price was too high. I made notes in the margin to my secretary and moved on to the next item. Staring at me was a thick manuscript with a Post-it® note from Georgene, one of my producers, which said, "New proposal from Dyer. Looks great. Your comments, please." I sighed. It was late and it looked like too big a task. "Do I really have to read it?" I thought. Dyer's stuff is good, and I trust Georgene's judgment. No need to read it, I decided. I grabbed the manuscript with my right hand and turned to put it back into my briefcase. But something odd happened. My arm was stuck — frozen in mid-air — suspended above my briefcase — and wouldn't move. Did I have a kink in my shoulder? Was it a muscle spasm? Is this how a stroke starts? I pushed harder. But my arm wouldn't move. Since I didn't feel any pain, I didn't panic. I relaxed my arm. And as soon as I did, I watched in amazement as my arm moved by itself, back toward my desk, placing the manuscript in front of me. Whew! I guessed that my subconscious was battling with my conscious, telling me to stop being lazy and read the manuscript. But I was wrong And I was unprepared for what happened next. I looked closer at the manuscript cover, which had these words typed on it ... Proposal by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer for a new program I lifted the cover and turned to the first page. That's when it hit me. I felt goose bumps all over when I saw these words: Did you ever wonder how Jesus turned water into wine? In this program I'll explain the secret of how miracles are performed and how you can use this divine power — which is already inside you, just waiting to be used — to manifest your destiny. Dr. Dyer's manuscript was a captivating eye-opener. Finally, 40 years after asking a simple question in Sunday school, I had the answer that I had been searching for. And it all made perfect sense. While I was meditating, I had witnessed this power in action. It was this power that connected me — my 40-year-old question of how miracles are performed — to the answer in the manuscript on my desk. And it was this very same power that moved my arm — stopping me from putting the manuscript back in the briefcase, and moving it back in front of me. There was an invisible flow of energy from my thoughts directly to the manuscript — and the same invisible flow of energy from the manuscript to my thoughts. Before I reveal how miracles work — let me finish my story. As you can imagine, I gave the manuscript an enthusiastic go-ahead. Shortly after, we invited Dr. Dyer to Chicago to record his breakthrough audio program The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny before a live audience.  | YES! I'm ready to manifest anything that I desire — MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH, A BETTER JOB, MY BEST LIFE by discovering my inner power. Please send me Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny today along with my FREE Bonus CD! Then, I'll have the ability to control my own destiny most every single day! I will SAVE $40 OFF the regular price of $79.95. |  | If I don’t find this program to be life-changing, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. |  | | | How miracles are performed How is it possible to manifest perfect health and longevity — or attract good fortune and desirable situations? This will explain: Picture a remote control and a TV set. Now, imagine yourself sitting across the room from your TV. You want it to turn on, so you press a button on the remote control and, presto, a picture appears. When you want to change the channel, you press a button and the picture changes. But where are the wires that connect the remote control and your TV? There are none. Is it magic? Of course not. Even if you don't understand the technology, you know that there's an invisible infrared beam sending a signal to your TV. Your mind works the same way. Thoughts are nothing more than signals of energy. You can send a thought to your hand, but does it end at your fingertips? Just because you can't see wires extending from your hand, does it mean that the signal stops? Your thoughts extend beyond your physical body. They ... Flow as waves Another word for waves is frequencies. Just as radio waves have different frequencies, so do your thoughts. Don't worry; this isn't going to be too technical. Please bear with me just a little longer. One level of thought frequency tells your arm to rise. A higher frequency creates a sandwich. An even higher frequency level composes a beautiful symphony. You can't see the thoughts, but you can witness their results. You see your arm move; you taste the sandwich; and you hear the music. But there's an even higher frequency level — a level of energy on which all matter is created. It's on this level that Dr. Dyer has made his remarkable discovery. Tapping into God Now comes the interesting part. How do you tap into this higher frequency? Where is this divine power? What enables you to access it? As sages have known for thousands of years, there is only one way to do it. This power already resides inside you. All you have to do is unleash it. And how do you unleash it? Simple, you get in touch with your higher self — the part of you that exists beyond your ego. That's exactly what happened to me while I was meditating that evening. As I got deeper into the meditation, I transcended my ego and got a glimpse of a quiet place deep inside me. As odd as it sounds, the manuscript — which contained the answer to the question that I had asked more than 40 years earlier and was still searching for — was being attracted to my thoughts. Has this happened to you? You find yourself thinking of someone that you haven't thought of in many years ... then suddenly, out of the blue, the phone rings and it's that person? Weird? Not really. But that's nothing. Just imagine what you can do with this power when you learn to tap into it. Suppose you're dreaming of moving across the country and finding a new job. Suddenly the phone rings and the conversation goes something like this: "Hi, you may not remember me ... but we met a couple years ago, and something's come up, and for some strange reason I thought of you because you'd be perfect for it ... and I thought I'd give you a call to see if you're interested ..." As you listen, you pinch yourself. This person is calling from the other side of the country — from the exact place you want to move to — and is offering you a job that is right up your alley. A coincidence? A once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that can never be repeated? I'd like to prove otherwise. Let me show you how you can easily tap into this power and use it to manifest and attract what you want. Please accept my invitation to listen to Dr. Dyer's The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny TODAY! You'll hear Dr. Dyer describe this amazing power of manifestation — what it is, how it works, and how you can harness it and use it to help you. On Sessions 1 & 2, Dr. Dyer starts with an overview of the power to manifest and then introduces the 9 Principles of Manifestation. Then, in the next nine sessions (Sessions 3 to 11), Dr. Dyer takes you through each of these 9 Principles — devoting one session to each principle — which, to me, is the truly eye-opening portion of the program. Each one of the 9 Principles fills in an important missing piece in your understanding of what life is all about, what keeps you from living the life you really want, and how to set yourself free to experience the abundance that is out there waiting for you. You'll learn how to trust your divine inner wisdom and honor your worthiness to receive this gift. You'll discover how to connect yourself to the energy source that enables you to attract what you want. In your relationships, you'll learn the secret of unconditional love. And, you'll find yourself suddenly free to enjoy a level of bliss that until now you've rarely felt. The 9th Principle reveals the sound of creation. After studying the religions of the worlds, Dr. Dyer stumbled upon one sound that is common to all. It's this sound, when performed as Dr. Dyer describes, that unlocks the power to manifest. Session 12 is the climax. It's at this point that Dr. Dyer talks you through the 20-minute meditation technique that awakens this power. As he points out, you can even do this meditation when you're driving your car or taking a walk. There are two meditations — one for the morning and one for the evening. They are identical except for the sound that you make. The morning sound wakes you up and energizes your body; the evening sound rests you and prepares you for a deeper sleep. Bonus CD There's a bonus CD, Dr. Dyer's Quick Action Steps for Realizing Your True Destiny, included at no extra charge. Free gift Plus, you'll receive a free gift — a daily reminder of the 9 Principles of Manifestation. If you believe in a higher power, if you're interested in improving your life, and if you would like to know if Dr. Dyer's message is for you, you can fulfill all of these — by ordering The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny TODAY! Sincerely,  P.S. Dr. Wayne Dyer could recite hundreds, if not thousands of stories of average people manifesting their own miracles. Yet, nothing will reveal that this program truly works until you try it for yourself. And thanks to Nightingale-Conant's unconditional 12-MONTH GUARANTEE, you can! Try it, listen to Dr. Dyer's soothing words multiple times and try manifesting anything you want, need or desire for almost a full year. Then, if you aren't able to tap into this inner power, return the program for a full refund. No questions asked.  | YES! I'm ready to manifest anything that I desire — MONEY, LOVE, HEALTH, A BETTER JOB, MY BEST LIFE by discovering my inner power. Please send me Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny today along with my FREE Bonus CD! Then, I'll have the ability to control my own destiny most every single day! I will SAVE $40 OFF the regular price of $79.95. |  | If I don’t find this program to be life-changing, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. |  | | | |
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