Dear Annmarie Cunniff , If $1,230 in about 60 minutes of work sounds appealing, then read every word of this message, because.. ...I have a couple of very important updates: 1. 30+ year trading veteran Bill Poulos will be picking the lucky recipient of the first copy of his brand new Forex Income Engine home study course on Monday around NOON, so check out his "giveaway" page then to find out who the lucky trader ends up being. Maybe it will be YOU. See all the entries received so far here: Click Here to Access the Forex Give Away (There's still time to get in, if you get this before noon Eastern on Monday, that is...) 2. Bill just uploaded 3 more Forex Income Engine trade videos, and he gave me permission to share them with you. Check it out: - Each one took about 10-20 minutes to trade.
- Each one turned a profit.
- Total profit was 54 pips, or $540 had you traded a
standard lot. Not bad for a few minutes of "work". ;-) He also posted 3 trades he made where he pulled in 69 pips, or $690 in profit, again in about 30 minutes total. I think you'll agree with me if I say that's awesome... To watch them, he has given members of the Nightingale-Conant family of subscribers access to a preview of the Forex Income Engine member's website. This is similar to the site you will get access to if you become a student. You can get in here: But first Get ready to use: Your username is: readyto Your password is: enroll (make sure you type the username & password all in lowercase) Click Here to Access Member's Only Website Preview (type in codes once there) Again, just in case... Your username is: readyto Your password is: enroll (make sure you type the username & password all in lowercase) To see the live trade videos, go to the "Pip Vault" section after you login to the site. ** NOTE: These are not static charts that Bill looked at historically. You'll see the trade unfold live just as he did, and see how he reacts, not knowing what's going to happen... and how he turned these into profit-packing trades... Be sure to check out the entire website, because Bill also put up some previews of all the CD-ROM modules so you can get a taste of what the course is like. I hope you're as excited as I am about Nightingale-Conant subscribers being able to get access to the entire Forex Income Engine course next week. And as you watch the live trade videos, I think you'll agree that this method makes it possible for anyone to truly create a new income stream on YOUR SCHEDULE, trading as little or as long as they want. More soon! Best Wishes for Success,  |
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