Friday, March 27, 2009

Motivational Quote of the Day


"Celebration of your achievement is as important as your
achievement because success builds on success."

John Powers: Author and motivational speaker

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It's not uncommon for someone to win a race just days after winning the respect of his boss. Or someone who receives an impressive promotion shortly after receiving a compliment on her slimmer physique. It's not luck, good fortune, and certainly not a coincidence. Success breeds confidence, character, passion, and strength. All it takes is a little success to get the snowball rolling down the hill, gathering achievements and accomplishments along the way. John Powers gives your snowball a push.

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The 5 Disciplines of Powerful People
by John Powers

The 5 Disciplines of Powerful People
In The Five Disciplines of Powerful People:
How to Keep the Promises You Make to Yourself, John Powers takes you step by step through making and keeping a promise to yourself. You'll explore how we think when it comes to improving our lives; discover how to build the inner strength you need to stick to your goal; and, most importantly, follow the process for achieving the commitments you make to yourself.

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With Your Spirit Guide's Help
by Dick Sutphen

With Your Spirit Guide's Help
There's someone you may have never met who wants you to have everything you strive for
— harmony, success, fulfillment. But you've probably never been introduced. It's your spirit guide, and as your closest companion, he or she works to help you find your sacred purpose and unlock your full potential. Communicate with your spirit guide, and this power is made even stronger.

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Take It To The Next Level: What Got You Here, Won't Get You There
by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
Take It To The Next Level: What Got You Here, Won't Get You There
Are you as successful as you wish to be?
Are you a team player when you long to be a manager? Or a manager who is ready for the responsibility of president or CEO? Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, success coach to the world’s top CEOs, reveals how you can take that next step. Twenty-one habits may be standing in your way — but not for long. Start making more, achieving more ... becoming more!

Learn More >>

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