Dear Annmarie Cunniff , I don't know about you, but when I scan the newspaper, surf the Internet, or turn on the TV, I often end up feeling as if I live on my own private little island. I mean, are violence, greed, and vanity what most people value in life? And it's not just the media. In so many ways it seems the more “advanced” our culture becomes, the harder it is to live a life that is centered in love, graciousness, and mercy. Does that mean you have to move to a monastery if you want to walk an awakened path? Absolutely not. I recently discovered a simple way to accelerate your spiritual evolution while embracing our technology-based culture. Now that was the best news I had heard in a very long time. And, as someone who is committed to the upper path, I trust that it will be terrific news for you too. This is something that will not only advance your spiritual evolution, but will help you bring your Higher Self to every thought, person, and situation in your life. Are You Ready for a New Way of Being in the World? I know that's a big promise, but I don't know of a single person who can better help make it a reality in your life than Dr. David R. Hawkins. If you're not familiar with Dr. Hawkins, let me just say he is a spiritual teacher who has helped thousands of people around the world reach higher levels of enlightenment. In his previous Nightingale-Conant programs, Dr. Hawkins revealed results of his breakthrough research study on human consciousness. And as someone who is called a modern-day mystic, he also shared personal details on what it's like to realize the Divine. And now Dr. Hawkins has a new audio program that is his most grounded program yet. It's called In the World, But Not of It: Living Spiritually in the Modern World, and it is a masterpiece… By providing example after example, Dr. Hawkins offers practical things you can do in any situation to reach advanced states of consciousness. Once you see how easy it can be to move from frustration to satisfaction and from resistance to acceptance, not only will your life improve, but you'll also better serve the world. Why produce this program now? Because of the unique ethical and spiritual dilemmas that we currently face. In fact, this program is a direct response to those very issues. Among other things, David answers timely questions such as… - Why has the consciousness of the world – 85 percent of the world population is dominated by the lower, animalistic brain – fallen in the last few years?
- Why is accountability for your choices and actions central to your spiritual evolution?
- How can you ensure that you are not fooling yourself about the responsibility (or lack thereof) that you take for your life?
- How should you deal with people who are not very conscious?
- What things should you embrace and what should you avoid in our technologically advanced world?
- How can you acclimate to change without getting overly stressed by it?
- What can you do to accentuate the positive effects of technology?
- And many, many more!
As you see, this program is NOT about theory or doing things that will take you out of the world. It has one objective, and that is to save you as much suffering as possible by giving you practical tools and suggestions that lead to immense spiritual growth and the joy that comes with it. FACT: As You Grow Spiritually, You Experience — and Create — More and More Joy in the World Dr. Hawkins reports that only 22 percent of people who are dominated by the lower, “animalistic” brain are happy. The lower brain is where the predominant life view is demanding, antagonistic, and disappointing. It's where you project happiness on things, people, and circumstances that are in the external world. So, when you think about it, this statistic research makes perfect sense. If you live a life that's based on pride and fear, your chances of feeling fulfilled are slim. But your chances of being happy go way up as you let your higher, more “spiritualized” brain start to take over. Dr. Hawkins explains that the more conscious you become, the more gracious, satisfied, and harmonious your life becomes. And beyond certain levels of consciousness, you'll be happy no matter what's going on because your state of mind will no longer be dependent on any kind of “out-thereness.” When your consciousness reaches those levels, you're utterly satisfied with everything. Everything is perfect just as it is. Everything. Can you imagine living a life like that? Dr. Wayne Dyer said that Dr. Hawkins' work is “perhaps the most important and significant information I've come across in the past 10 years.” Here's what you'll learn from each of the six CDs: CD 1. The Good News: As You Grow Spiritually, You'll Experience Greater Joy Introductory Discussion. Explains that the world you see doesn't even exist. Explores why the consciousness of American civilization is currently falling. How the disparity between linear “logical” thinkers and nonlinear “spiritual” thinkers is the big reason humankind is currently struggling so. Explains how raising your consciousness actually brings greater happiness into your life. Explores why learning to live spiritually is intensely gratifying. How you can accomplish just as much in a contemplative lifestyle without getting frazzled by all the things on your plate. CD 2. The Fundamentals of Conscious Spiritual Growth Provides the basics of how you can become more fully conscious in your life. Why accountability is central to all spiritual evolution. How to deal with people who are not very conscious. Explains how to get out of the “house of mirrors.” Discusses what your ultimate obligation to God is. Explains how you can fall into the “fear of hatred” trap that is driving the world today. Why a good sense of humor is important to your spiritual evolution. CD 3. How to Fit in While Remaining Conscious Why it's easier, not harder, to live comfortably in the world as you become more enlightened. Practical things you can do to walk a spiritual path in this world. How awakening brings greater ease into your everyday experience. Questions to ask yourself before you do anything. Suggestions for helping children develop their faith and spirituality. CD 4. How the Law of Attraction Fits into Your Spiritual Journey Surprising insights and suggestions about The Law of Attraction and how it fits into Dr. Hawkins' awakenings and will fit into the spiritual journey you have committed to take. How you can best work with the knowledge the Law imparts to speed you along your spiritual path in a congruent way. The scientific principle that's behind the saying “What you hold in mind tends to manifest.” Why the likelihood of getting what you want increases as you advance your consciousness. Learn one of the fastest ways to reach a high state of consciousness. CD 5. Advancing Your Consciousness in the Technological Age Theories on the trappings and victories of modern-day phenomena. What you can do to advance your higher self alongside the latest techno-advancements, such as the media, television, movies, chat rooms, blogs, advertising, and modern-day marketing. CD 6. Walking the Awakened Path as a Citizen of the World Discusses the challenges that the world is facing, and how you, as a citizen of the world, can avoid the pitfalls and bring greater consciousness to your own life and to the world as a whole. Three safeguards against being programmed by society. Four countermeasures to cultural illusion. Praise for The Discovery, Dr. Hawkins' bestselling program “After all the books and CDs and lectures I have been taking in these past years, finally it all made perfect sense. This insight takes one's breath away! After all the painful soul-searching we go through in our personal journey of life, we can finally just relax and understand the truth. This resonates a truth and substance that will affect your spirit at a deeply profound level. You will find yourself at an entirely new level of understanding as you release all the false belief that has been holding you back. This is the best of the best, and I thank Dr. Hawkins for the miracle of his work.” - Jennifer Noble, LifeSuccess Consultant, Canada FACT: Integrating Your Spiritual and Physical Energy Brings Greater Ease into Everyday Experiences Most people believe that as you become more aware of your enlightened states it will be harder to live comfortably in the world as it currently exists. If that thought has ever crossed your mind, Dr. Hawkins provides surprising and encouraging insights that directly contradict that perception. In fact, unlike other spiritual teachers who encourage you to take yourself out of the world as you perform a spiritual practice, Dr. Hawkins says you'll be more effective if you continue your normal activities. To make sure you don't take yourself too seriously, he provides insights that help you make any everyday task a fun and joyful spiritual experience. With all the examples and insights that Dr. Hawkins provides, you'll quickly understand why integrating your spiritual and physical energies brings much greater ease into your life, why the more advanced spiritual states are so incredibly rewarding, and why any effort it might take to reach these states is more than repaid. Praise for Dr. Hawkins' The Highest Levels of Enlightenment “Spiritual seekers take note: This is the one you've been waiting for. Any person seeking higher consciousness and enlightenment will be amazed and will advance in consciousness simply by exposing themselves to this material. Dr. Hawkins is an incredible find. He is genuine, sincere, lovable, and funny, among other things. Having survived death and lived to tell about it, he has some very interesting perspectives on life. People like this don't come along very often. You will want to immerse yourself in these profound truths.” — Karen O'Bryant “ There is no other spiritual teacher on the planet now that is teaching with the kind of understandings that Dr. Hawkins is putting forth at this time. I have studied spiritual material for 34 years now, and I can tell you that exposing yourself to Dr. Hawkins' audio and written works is transformative. Humanity has not really grasped the import of what Hawkins has discovered about how to verify the truth of anything through muscle-testing. I believe along with countless others that his research and discoveries will change the world as we know it. Muscle-testing and the map of consciousness that he developed will take science and countless other categories of life into new explorations by the people who discover the power of these new tools. ” — Robert N. Carter A Rare Achievement If you're committed to making a positive difference in the world, which I trust you are, you'll find In the World, But Not of It incredibly useful and empowering. As always, we guarantee your complete satisfaction with the program for a full year after your purchase. So, even if you change your mind, you can still get a refund for the price of the program or exchange it for another program for 12 months after you buy it. If you're ready to become the spiritual being that you read, learn, and talk about, Dr. Hawkins is the perfect person to help you achieve that. You change the world most not by what you say or do, but by what you have become. So accept my offer today, and experience a God-centered world in which miracles and magic happen. Sincerely,  P.S. Dr. Hawkins is best known for his 29-year study that provides an objective basis (muscle-testing) for instantly calibrating human consciousness and discerning truth from falsehood. People all over the world use Dr. Hawkins' muscle-testing technique to guide them in their day-to-day decision-making. Our customers' response to Dr. Hawkins and his extraordinary research has been incredible. Many have written us wanting even more information on his very simple technique. So In the World, But Not of It contains a FREE BONUS CD called “Essentials of the Calibration Process,” in which Dr. Hawkins answers your most common questions about muscle-testing, including how to do the technique without a partner! With this incredible FREE bonus, you'll have every tool you need to advance your consciousness — whether you've purchased any of Dr. Hawkins' previous programs or not. So order In the World, But Not of It today, and discover how to best live consciously in a predominantly unconscious world. P.P.S. This is a reactionary program that responds to our current challenges, issues, and topics. So for the first time ever, Dr. Hawkins reveals the truth about the phenomenon that has ignited the world for the past few years: the Law of Attraction. His insights will not only surprise you, but they will also show you how to make the absolute best use of this principle in your life! Meet Dr. David R. Hawkins: Beginning work in psychiatry in 1952, David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D., is a lifetime member of the American Psychiatric Association. During his 50 years as a psychiatrist, Dr. Hawkins published original research with Nobel Prize winners that helped revolutionize psychiatry. He received the Huxley Award, and in 1995 he was knighted by the Danish Crown. |
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