Dear Annmarie Cunniff , Believe it or not, the ancient Greeks and Romans had stronger memories than we do today. It's true, for reasons you'll discover in a moment. The good news is, you can easily learn to magnify your memory power to equal and surpass the skills of anyone around you, as well as those of the Greeks and Romans of ancient times. You can easily get to the point at which you always remember anything you want: phone numbers, shopping lists, schedules, financial data, people's names and faces, or the news. I realize that may be hard to believe now, and I'm not asking you to believe it just yet. However, once you've read the contents of this email, you will naturally begin to understand how the statements I make are absolutely true.  | Yes! I want to enhance my career, improve my relationships and increase my confidence with an extraordinary memory! Please send me Quantum Memory Power TODAY FOR JUST $1.00! |  | If my new memory doesn't amaze myself, my friends and family, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $64.95, which is 50% off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |  | | | Memory Insights from an Ancient Society A powerful memory is the key to unlocking the unlimited potential of your mind. The ancient Greeks have demonstrated this beyond a doubt, as you'll discover. For example, around the year 500 B.C., the Greek poet Simonides invented the oldest known memory strategy. During the following two hundred years, there was a brilliant flowering of genius that had never appeared before and has never shown up since. Memory power is connected to the highest levels of genius. Therefore, it's only logical to conclude that this memory strategy was in some measure responsible for the extraordinary mental accomplishments that occurred. These were the years of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle — three people whose work has had more influence on Western society and culture than any other work save the Bible. But when the empires of ancient Greece and Rome fell, the science of memory, like much of the wisdom of the Greeks, gradually faded from the public view. Fortunately for all of us, the science of memory is now making a comeback. And now, you can use it to: - Remember the names and faces of everyone you meet — think of the impression that makes to recall someone's name months after you met him or her
- Remember the account numbers, dates, birthdays, appointments, telephone numbers, and other bits of information you always access in your daily life — without the need for a personal organizer, Rolodex, BlackBerry, etc.
- Become a walking encyclopedia — full of quotes, anecdotes, jokes, and insights that will impress even the coldest audience and make you the life of any party
- Memorize a deck of cards as it's dealt and beat the casinos at their own game
- Be regarded as a genius by others and watch your career soar, breeze through school or classes, and even improve your IQ
These ancient Greek strategies will allow you to do all this and more. And thanks to Dominic O'Brien, the science of memory is even more effective than it used to be. You see, Dominic is the current World Memory Champion, a title he's won eight times. He also holds several memory world records. Back in 1987, he was just like you and me. If you gave him a 10-digit number back then, he could probably recall about five to seven digits. If you gave him a few sentences, he probably couldn't have repeated more than one of them back to you. But then he saw a television show called Record Breakers in which a guy memorized a shuffled deck of cards in less than three minutes. That event led him on a quest — he had to discover how that guy could do that. Well, not only did he find the answer, he enhanced it to the point at which he could memorize a deck of cards (52 cards) in 30 seconds! Not only that, but he learned how he could memorize anything he wanted quickly and efficiently.  | Yes! I want to enhance my career, improve my relationships and increase my confidence with an extraordinary memory! Please send me Quantum Memory Power TODAY FOR JUST $1.00! |  | If my new memory doesn't amaze myself, my friends and family, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $64.95, which is 50% off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |  | | | Ancient Roots for Modern Memory Miracles Surprisingly, what he learned wasn't new. In fact, it was based on the same methods used by the great Greek and Roman orators in ancient times! The Greeks and Romans were able to mentally record philosophy, mathematics, stories of battles, and the politics of the day, and they could talk about those topics for hours on end. As a result, they developed some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen. Since then, we've had the development of paper, the printing press, and the world's biggest library — the Internet. So there's a lot of knowledge, but we don't need to store it in our heads. The point I'm making is this: Perhaps what we've gained in efficiency has come at the expense of mental agility. We don't have to work our memories as hard as the Greeks and Romans did. But now you can develop the same memory skills as the great orators of ancient times and of eight-time World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien by exercising your mind as little as 10 minutes a day. 10 Minutes a Day Can Make You a Memory Champion Dominic has spent the past 13 years mastering the memory strategies that allowed him to develop the most powerful memory in the world today. And in his audio program Quantum Memory Power, he shares everything he knows with you. Learn how to: - Develop a photographic memory. Read through a newspaper or magazine and remember every detail on every page.
- Become a walking calendar. Pinpoint the day of the week for any date in the history of the world in only seconds.
- Expand your vocabulary and never make spelling mistakes. Become fluent in a foreign language in only a few months.
- Put your brain in the ideal state for learning and memory. Master your own brainwaves and control both sides of your brain.
- Make laser-sharp concentration so easy, it's like flipping a light switch on or off
- Remember long strings of numbers such as PINs, bank statements, lock combinations, telephone numbers, account numbers, statistics, tax returns, bills, birthdays, appointments, and more
- Impress job interviewers so you get the job you really want. Memorize company background, pertinent questions, your own job history, and other information, and then store the data in a mental fact file for easy access
- Improve your relationships with your spouse, partner, friends, or loved ones by remembering all the things they notice or like and then getting them something special that matches their preferences
- Review the information you memorize in such a way that you remember it for the rest of your life
As your memory develops, you'll find that it gets easier and easier to remember more and more. Your confidence will grow. Stress levels will come down. You'll become more observant. You'll concentrate better. You'll be more organized mentally. You'll cope better under pressure. You'll have more creativity, greater imagination, and much, much more. I look forward to hearing your story about the amazing memory feats you're able to accomplish with Quantum Memory Power. Warmly,  P.S. When I reviewed this program, I immediately thought how your new quantum memory might impress your friends at a party. Then, I discovered that this program holds far more than simple party tricks — it holds the key to your better future. Enhancing your memory to this degree will have significant effects on your career, your family, your relationships, your confidence, your imagination, and your overall success.  | Yes! I want to enhance my career, improve my relationships and increase my confidence with an extraordinary memory! Please send me Quantum Memory Power TODAY FOR JUST $1.00! |  | If my new memory doesn't amaze myself, my friends and family, I will simply send it back. No questions asked, and no money owed — ever. If I decide I want to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $64.95, which is 50% off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial. |  | | | Introducing the man who will give you the memory power of an intellectual giant — the legendary World Memory Champion — Dominic O'Brien! - Eight-time World Memory Champion. In the 2000 Championships, he memorized 1,780 digits in an hour, 962 playing cards (18½ decks) in an hour, 201 consecutive numbers spoken 2 seconds apart, 127 random words in 15 minutes, 2,079 binary numbers in 30 minutes, and 71 names and faces in 15 minutes, and he set a new world speed record — 316 digits in 5 minutes.
- Holder of several Guinness World Records. The most impressive: On May 1, 2002, he memorized a random sequence of 54 decks of playing cards, or 2,808 cards, after viewing each card only once.
- Card shark. Dominic uses his memory to win big money and beat the casinos at their own game. As a result, he has been banned from every casino in the U.K. and several casinos in France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the U.S.
- Memory spokesperson. For a promotion, Dominic once memorized 7,500 questions and answers to the game Trivial Pursuit. The promotion was called, "Challenge the Memory Man," and if anyone could get him to make a mistake, that person would win money. No one won anything.
- Named "Brain of the Year" in 1994.
- Awarded the title "Grand Master of Memory" by the Brain Trust of Great Britain in October of 1995, presented to him by Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein.
- Appeared on several TV shows, including: Oprah, How Do They Do That?, You Bet, Guinness World Records, Magic & Mystery, Tomorrow's World, Are You Superhuman?, and of course, Record Breakers.
- High school dropout. Dominic was a poor student and he dropped out of school at 16. His example has proved that anyone can develop a near-perfect memory — regardless of his or her current ability.
"I cannot wait to finish this course ..." "On my first try, after only having reviewed the list for 3 or 4 minutes, recalled 19 of the 20 items, but I had them add ANOTHER 20 on top of those and on my second attempt, I perfectly recalled EVERY SINGLE ITEM. I was floored. They were floored. Dominic O'Brien is a man of his word. I cannot WAIT to finish this course and learn what the possibilities are." - Henry Herman "... if you're in a difficult situation and need the edge, this product will help you.""Recently, I was in a job interview promising a 6 figure salary. I had to memorize a bunch of dates, names, and just about everything in the subject field of accounting. I had heard about Dominic O'Brien and decided to give it a shot. It helped me immensely. I had memorized everything no problem using association power!" "Yesterday, I received a letter in the post saying I was selected!! Now me and my family are going to Hawaii for a holiday. I can guarantee you, if you're in a difficult situation and need the edge, this product will help you." - Gaurav Srivastava |
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