Chances are you've had many moments in which your metabolism was transformed by something other than food, drugs, or exercise. Can you recall a time when you were sitting at home feeling low energy and sorry for yourself, a time when if someone asked you "How's your metabolism?," you would have answered that it was sluggish and stuck?

Then quite suddenly the phone rings and it's a love interest calling or it's someone calling you with good news about money. Your mood instantly skyrockets. You feel alive and optimistic. And in that moment, if someone asked again, "How's your metabolism?," you'd say it was humming.
So what happened? You had an enormous energy rush yet you didn't drink any coffee or take any drugs. It was a shift in your emotional world that ignited your body. That's how quickly metabolism can change.
The good news is that we can use this power of the mind-body connection to create a new and more powerful metabolism without changing anything we eat or the amount we exercise. That's where the
8 Universal Metabolizers come in
. These are some of the most important missing pieces in our collective metabolic puzzle, the next generation of powerful biologic rejuvenators that will prove themselves essential to our health at
the deepest level of medical reality.
Despite existing for quite some time, the
8 Universal Metabolizers have been long overlooked. That's because we've believed that a metabolic enhancer must be exclusively of the order of a food, a pill, or a push-up, yet the
8 Universal Metabolizers are of a different category. Let's call these metabolic enhancers
transubstantial, meaning "above and beyond the realm of matter." You can't touch them, see them, bottle them, or sell them online, yet they are as fundamental to metabolism as vitamins, minerals, water, and exercise—perhaps even more so. Without them, we could never blossom into the vital biological beings we were designed to be.
But before we look at these unique transformative tools, let's revisit the important fundamentals of what metabolism actually is.
Indeed, many people use the word
metabolism but few know what the word means. If you asked a room filled with a hundred doctors and nutritionists "What is the definition of metabolism?," you would likely hear a hundred different answers. It's no surprise, then, that the average person would be confused about this topic. Let's get down to basics and look at the classic textbook definition of
Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in the body. Are you surprised it's that simple? Of course, we can talk about the metabolism of such specific tissues as the liver and thyroid. We can talk about the metabolism of such specific substances as cholesterol. We can also talk about the metabolism of different body systems, such as digestive metabolism. People who say "I want to speed up my metabolism" are actually referring to calorie-burning metabolism, also known as thermic efficiency.
With this understanding, if we wanted to increase metabolism, we'd make it our business to kick-start our body's chemical efficiency with exercise, drugs, the latest supplement, or the magic combination of foods. These approaches have certainly proven useful, but they are no longer adequate in describing metabolic reality.
This is so because metabolism doesn't occur in the body alone. It operates equally and simultaneously in body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Astounding research in the mind-body sciences has conclusively demonstrated the connection between what we think and feel and the chemistry of the body. Science has revealed the profound effects of the chemistries of stress, relaxation, pleasure, and depression, and the effects that even prayer, pets, and other people have on our lives.
Indeed, everything that happens in our world from birth until death is part and parcel of metabolism. All sensory input that impacts the human nervous system undergoes some form of digestion, assimilation, and elimination. In this very moment we're metabolizing elements of our last meal, words on this page, and important details of pivotal events that happened earlier this week or even previously in our lives. We metabolize our dreams, fears, and fantasies, our ups and downs, our jealousies and joys, the beauty that surrounds us, the betrayals we've suffered, and our fortunes and misfortunes—this in addition to all the frozen yogurt, chicken sandwiches, and sushi we eat. No wonder we take so many digestive aids. Taking all these elements into consideration, a new and fresher definition of metabolism looks like this:
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